The disappearance of design drafters


The Insight

Over the past 20 years there has been a significant decline in the number of design drafters in engineering offices. Where there used to be 3 or 4 drafters to an engineer, there are now up to 20 engineers to 1 drafter. The need for drawing is not decreasing, so who is drafting?

Using engineers may seem like a logical advancement with the progression of 3D modelling software that allows engineers to design and produce drawings at the same time. The concern is, are the drawings being produced to the same standards or is the detail falling away and creating problems during construction?

From the perspective of a project manager, the detail is lacking. There are regular complaints from those at all levels in the industry regarding the quality of designs and drawings. Of course, there are several factors that influence this.

One of these factors may be that the role design drafters play in the design process is not necessarily being replaced but instead overlooked.

The Impact

To clarify, amongst other tasks, the role of a design drafter is to:

  • Ensure design coordination is maintained

  • Review drawings for completeness, accuracy and compliance with drafting standards

  • Check engineering drawings for compliance with specifications

With the pace of the industry and consistently squeezed timeframes, engineers have a large range of responsibilities and while the details are important, they also need to look holistically at the project. They often do not have adequate time to add sufficient detail to the design.

Drawings are still being produced and released and, at first glance, they may appear appropriate. However, upon construction, the depth of detail required is absent. This is where design drafters show their value.

A design drafter adds unique detail that is learnt over years of experience. They understand the level of detail required and can prompt engineers for additional input as necessary. Their ability to operate the programs efficiently and produce complete drawings that are of high quality and constructability, they ultimately save time and cost in construction.

If the benefit of hiring design drafters is clear, then why are they disappearing?

Written by Bill Kmon


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