
Bite-sized, industry insights

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How can we effectively store solar PV?

Due to the erratic nature of renewable energy generation and the lack of electric vehicles available in Australia, the strides we have taken to replace fossil fuel-based energy have been small. As a consumer, it can feel like where we get our energy from is out of our control, particularly with the cost associated with electric vehicles, solar panels, and solar stationary battery systems.

Fortunately, our options are opening up.

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Good design is location-specific

Moving to the tropics can be a shock – often you’re left sweaty and frustrated as your body slowly climatises to the increased humidity and almost constant, year-round heat. It can be overwhelming.

Designing in this new environment after spending your career designing for temperate climates may give you a similar feeling. However, just as your body adjusts and begins to flourish in the lack-of-winter, so will you.

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If you can’t stand the heat, go net zero

While it appears that the Federal Government is not committing to Net Zero Emissions by 2050, most of the private sector are doing their part to reach this goal. This is because, in many cases, it’s essential for their business, but also because it’s actually not that difficult to achieve.

So, what role does HVAC play in a Zero Emission Economy?

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How VR is reshaping the way we manage remote assets

The evaluation and management of remote assets can be challenging. Accessing remote sites can be costly and time-consuming for the client, invasive and often inconvenient for the resident, and risky for both the assessor and the remote community.

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Remote housing – engineering for durability

After decades of remote housing programs, one of the greatest challenges continues to be durability of the housing stock. Based on inspection of over 200 remote dwellings, it is clear there are engineering changes that can be made which will greatly improve durability.

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How good are your optics?

A solution to the urban sprawl is to make existing sporting facilities more accessible during the day and into the night. While the investment in sports lighting infrastructure is necessary, it should not be obtrusive to nearby residents, transportation users and environmentally sensitive areas.

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She'll be right – my house is 'cyclone coded'

Cyclones pose a very real threat to communities across coastal areas of northern Australia. This isn’t news; people living in these areas are aware of the threat and there is frequent talk of buildings, particularly houses, being ‘cyclone coded’ – but what does that actually mean?

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