Manufacturer’s recommendations are not approved designs


The Insight

There is increasingly more pressure placed on engineers to deliver solutions faster, cheaper, and better than before.

Support is often provided from manufacturers and suppliers of products and equipment. Their expertise allows them to offer a good understanding of how their products can be applied. Their support can also extend to advice regarding design; suggesting that using their product can ultimately save time and cost as an engineer.

When these solutions are offered, it can be tempting to accept the shortcut. However, in doing so, you give up the integrity you hold as an engineer.

While the advice of manufacturers and suppliers can be very useful, where is the line drawn for an engineers’ design responsibility?

The Impact

One of the fundamental principles of being an engineer is to demonstrate integrity. We must act on the basis of a well-informed conscience to rightfully maintain the public’s trust.

An air-conditioning manufacturer can provide HVAC selections and plans utilising their products. This information can be useful however it must be taken with a grain of salt. Whilst they may be educated and operating under the basis of sound technical knowledge, the manufacturer remains a third-party to your design. When you accept a design that is not yours, you don’t know what assumptions and problems you are signing off on.

While the manufacturer is responsible for ensuring their products are compliant with their relevant requirements, it is the engineer’s role to undertake their responsibility as the designer and ensure appropriate steps are taken to deliver compliant designs – they are still the deciding voice in whether a product is appropriate for the intended project requirements. Failing to do so, may be failing to do your job.

Written by Richard Oppusunggu


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