The impact of 1 degree

image-The Talk – The Impact of 1 Degree.png

The Insight

Slight changes to the temperature of our air conditioning can make a big difference on the environment, our pocket and our comfort.

In tropical and subtropical regions, the space temperature within buildings is usually maintained at a constant setting throughout the year regardless of external climatic conditions. However, there is a significant amount of seasonal variation throughout the year that needs to be considered when setting the internal temperature within airconditioned buildings.

When occupants enter the space from external ambient conditions, their body needs to adjust to account for the change in temperature. This change in temperature is often 10 or more degrees

Aside from needing to adjust one’s level of clothing, this significant temperature drop between ambient conditions and indoor conditions uses a massive amount of energy.

The Impact

Air conditioning accounts for 60% of the energy consumed by buildings.

In order to reduce the carbon footprint that air conditioning has, it is essential to improve its energy efficiency.

Modern control systems are capable of automating internal temperature set points in response to external climatic conditions. During cooler months, the internal temperature can be maintained at 23-24 degrees Celsius. During warmer months, the internal temperature can be adjusted to 25-26 degrees Celsius.

In climatic regions where humidity is generally above 60%, the internal temperature setting can lead to excessive humidity within the space which can result in moisture issues. Additional humidity control measures may be necessary.

Making slight changes will not only improve comfort but also save a considerable amount of energy.

Written by Andrew Brassett


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