
Bite-sized, industry insights

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If you can’t stand the heat, go net zero

While it appears that the Federal Government is not committing to Net Zero Emissions by 2050, most of the private sector are doing their part to reach this goal. This is because, in many cases, it’s essential for their business, but also because it’s actually not that difficult to achieve.

So, what role does HVAC play in a Zero Emission Economy?

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She took the midnight train goin’… regional?

Up-and-coming engineers who want to make their mark tend to set their sights on big cities. That’s where there are multitudes of major projects, and major projects mean major opportunities, right? While the skills you develop in these roles are valuable, they can be very niche.

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Don't cry over spilt light

Artificial light has many advantages in the outdoor environment. It provides safe passageway for pedestrians and vehicles, improves the security around buildings and environments, enhances sporting and recreational activities, and is used for aesthetic or accent appearances. But where does that benefit become more of a hinderance?

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Building permits for lights?

In Victoria, if a new lighting pole installation exceeds a height of 8m, then a building permit is required. This building approval requirement is atypical for external lighting pole installations as they are not generally associated with buildings.

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How good are your optics?

A solution to the urban sprawl is to make existing sporting facilities more accessible during the day and into the night. While the investment in sports lighting infrastructure is necessary, it should not be obtrusive to nearby residents, transportation users and environmentally sensitive areas.

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