
Bite-sized, industry insights

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When ‘smart’ technology isn’t the smart choice

The underlying function of ‘smart’ electrical and electronic technologies is to enhance autonomy, efficiency, and safety. However when designing for remote and regional locations, it’s often better to keep it simple, stupid.

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She took the midnight train goin’… regional?

Up-and-coming engineers who want to make their mark tend to set their sights on big cities. That’s where there are multitudes of major projects, and major projects mean major opportunities, right? While the skills you develop in these roles are valuable, they can be very niche.

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How VR is reshaping the way we manage remote assets

The evaluation and management of remote assets can be challenging. Accessing remote sites can be costly and time-consuming for the client, invasive and often inconvenient for the resident, and risky for both the assessor and the remote community.

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Remote housing – engineering for durability

After decades of remote housing programs, one of the greatest challenges continues to be durability of the housing stock. Based on inspection of over 200 remote dwellings, it is clear there are engineering changes that can be made which will greatly improve durability.

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She'll be right – my house is 'cyclone coded'

Cyclones pose a very real threat to communities across coastal areas of northern Australia. This isn’t news; people living in these areas are aware of the threat and there is frequent talk of buildings, particularly houses, being ‘cyclone coded’ – but what does that actually mean?

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