Defence Project Services

Service Breakdown

Our agile Defence services team has the experience required for the creation, collection, collation, and submission of all documentation required throughout the project lifecycle.


HOTO Services

  • Data mapping and planning

  • Compilation and/or review of project specific plans including:

    • Estate Information Provision Plan (EIPP)

    • Handover Takeover Plan (HOTO)

    • Defects Liability Plan (DLP)

  • Compilation and/or review of project specific manuals including:

    • Operation and Maintenance Manuals

    • Handover Manuals / Evidence Folders / User Guides

Advice, Support & Liaison

  • Information processes of all types of Defence required documents and processes including but not limited to:

    • Asset criticality

    • Asbestos management and updates

  • HOTO process and requirements

  • Requirements as outlined on DEQMS and interpretation of provided project scope of works into required deliverables


  • Asset information: Create / Update / Demolish asset related data including population and submission of all GDL types for entire project lifecycle as per the EDR (Estate Data Requirement)

  • EMOS required information: Provision of data to EMOS within required timeframes including asbestos register updates and notifications, registerable plant and equipment

  • Operation and Maintenance Manuals: Collation of OMMs including their associated metadata to enable upload to the DEIS in accordance with the Defence OMM specification

  • Spatial Information / Drawings: Collation and update of all drawing types and spatial data types as required for a project as per the Spatial Data Management Plan including metadata development

  • Documentation: Collation and provision of project required documentation and its associated metadata to enable upload including unclassified and classified documentation

Specialised Experience:

  • GEMS asset creations and updates

  • HOTO evidence folders

  • Defence OMMs